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This part is still rather informal, it's basically an extension of the About page with some more indepth notes.

IP Tables

Fail2Ban handles the automatic monitoring for intrusions, but we still have iptables set up. There are typical holes allowed for SSH, web, ntp, dns, etc. We have also allowed the highest range ports 65000 - 65535 to be open for testing purposes. If you should need to broadcast/receive you will be able to do that to and from this server while on campus

Regarding access

An important note! Connections from off-campus are still funneled through the border security and at least one other sets of firewalls before getting to this server. Don't be surprised if you turn on a non-traditional port and it doesn't route outside UNI.

Personal Information

This server works with class details, regarding instructor, catID, email, and your full name. No other data is utilized. Any data you add to this server is likely viewable by more than just you. Please do not save things like your SSN, addresses, W-2, etc. to this server. Periodic scans for private personal data will occur, and if found the IT security office is involved and data is removed from the server.